New split LP by Silvain Vanot and Pierre-Yves Macé

Brocoli is pleased to announce a split LP release of two previously unpublished works that bring together two established composers for the first time.
On one side (who knows if it is side A or side B?) we find Silvain Vanot, who was at the forefront of 90s French indie rock alongside the likes of Dominique A and Jean-Louis Murat. He has also collaborated with Jim O'Rourke.
The other (side B or perhaps side A?) goes to Pierre-Yves Macé, a stalwart of the label. A composer of instrumental (his work is regularly performed by the Ensemble Intercontemporain) and electroacoustic music.
At first glance the reason for bringing these two artists together may not seem obvious. And yet... these two pieces are both built upon the same principle: they are both instrumental music set in urban outdoor spaces.
For Silvain Vanot this meant walking at dawn with his portable recorder in the Butte Montmartre, Paris. Then, once in the studio, improvising over these field recordings. Five locations resulting in five tracks. All recorded in one take.
Pierre-Yves Macé first wrote a score for trombone, horn, oboe and percussion. He then recorded each musician separately at a different location in Paris. Finally, reassembling the piece in the studio. He allowed himself to be guided as much by the score as from the happy coincidences which occurred during the recordings.
As coherent as it is surprising this split LP navigates with ease between field recording, contemporary music, improvisation, ambient and musique concrète.